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2 Cake turntables comparison overview between plastic and metal turntables

If you like cake decorating, you're in the right place. We are discussing metal versus plastic cake turntables.

So depending on your needs and your skill level, it might be worth checking out what you want best. The plastic ones generally cost less. But as you can kind of see right here to go inside, it wobbles, just a little bit as it's spinning, and it doesn't necessarily have this mover's legs. Know it? I have had this one for well over a decade, and it has some features. What I like about it is that it actually comes apart.

So anytime I feel like it needs a little extra attention, but it's still not the best quality turn; it takes a little more push to get it going, and it does have just a little bit of wobble compared to the metal ones.

Key points of metal cake turntable over plastic turntable

which will definitely set you back more money than you haven't. Much more smooth than the live glide, did you see that they have a lot of the same features and that they have a series of infections that will help you shine at your project? Hopefully they both give you some extra, much more sensitive, and give it a much smoother, smoother fly if you're looking to do piped or textured finishes on your cakes and you need that spitting action to be really soon.

The metal ones can be a nice investment if you're just starting out and you're not sure if this hobby is going to be an occasional thing that you do on the weekends or something that you're going to get into and be really serious about.

So depending on your needs and your experience level, you might want to start with the plastic ones and later upgrade to a metal one. If I'm looking for a smooth ride, I'll get my metal one. Especially if I need to go to work or hide forever I'm working on, and if I'm working on something and I don't want to be as sensitive to a turn as plowing, my classic one, especially when doing a lot of detailed piping, I don't need that spending action to complete.

So over the course of your experience as a cake operator, it can be worthwhile to invest in both if you're on a limited budget.

Best metal turntable from Bharat Metal Works

Metal Rotating Cake Turntable
Metal Rotating Cake Turntable


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